Low Testosterone & Men’s Health
Most of us want to feel vital, strong, confident, secure, and want to be healthy, lean, fertile, with strong bones, strong muscles, great libido and a healthy strong heart and cardiovascular system. Well, testosterone helps us do just that in both men and women. Of course men have more than 100X the amount of testosterone women have hence the differences we see in masculinity.
However in our current times, sadly the feminization of men is more and more prevalent and low testosterone is becoming a problem in some men at relatively very young ages, even in the late 20’s and 30’s.
Traditionally the average rate men’s testosterone levels decline is by about 1% per year starting in the 20’s. However studies show that the rate at which men’s testosterone levels have been declining is increasing over the past decades. The most prominent, a 2007 study in the Journal of Clinical Endocrinology and Metabolism, revealed a “substantial” drop in U.S. men’s testosterone levels since the 1980s. The saying ‘your not the man your father was’ may actually hold true today when it comes to testosterone.
Some of the symptoms of low testosterone include fatigue, weight gain, increase in body fat, decrease in muscle mass and decrease in strength, decrease in confidence, low libido and erectile dysfunction.
Most conventional physicians do not test for low testosterone and if and when they do what they accept as ‘normal’ is often far below what ‘normal’ actually is for the each unique individual.

Furthermore if treatment is offered it mainly includes topical testosterone that we know unfortunately converts mostly to Dihydrotestosterone causing hair loss and other ill side effects. Metabolites of testosterone are almost never checked.
Most labs normal range of testosterone is 200 to 1200 no mater the age of the person. Meaning if you are 25 years old and your testosterone is 300 that is considered normal by conventional medicine standards even if you may be suffering terribly. In my practice I see significant low testosterone symptoms in men with levels less than about 600. Optimal levels are 750 and above.
Some patients many young between the ages of 25 and 45 come in to see me who have been diagnosed with testosterone deficiency and ‘treated’ conventionally. By conventionally I mean that there were no significant questions asked as to the cause of the deficiency in a younger individual except possibly ruling out major issues like tumors of the brain like pituitary tumors. Once that is ruled out no further investigation is done. As far as treatment patient are advised if they are lucky to slap on some testosterone cream. What is the problem with that? The problem is that most all of the time testosterone metabolites are never tested and the way testosterone is applied, meaning wether its applied topically or given intramuscular or subcutaneous or oral for that matter affects its outcome and affects its conversion to metabolites like estrogen and Dihydrotestosterone that are not beneficial in fact detrimental to men in the wrong amounts.
This is where medicine is not just blindly vomiting out some information but it is actually an art. And when not practiced as an art the outcomes are what we see today, sick people lacking true vitality and a chronic disease epidemic much of it man made and contributed to by doctors wether knowingly or unknowingly.
Of course it is my first goal always to make my patient feel better, but I will not do that especially in a younger patient with turning a blind eye to why they are suffering in the first place. The actual problem after diagnosing low testosterone either per laboratory values or clinically is why??
Root causes of testosterone deficiency must be evaluated and can include toxicity and nutrient deficiency and gastrointestinal dysfunction.
I have seen young men in their 20’s and 30’s who came to me still feeling very unwell, after treatment at some of the most famous and reputable conventional hospitals and clinics in America or so called ‘Anti-Aging’ clinics, and who developed infertility which they were unaware of hoping to some day have a family, after being treated with testosterone at these hospitals and clinics. The big problem with doing this is that testosterone can and does cause infertility in men unless correctly utilized.
Young men don’t know this and are not told by most doctors who may be unaware themselves.
All of the above and more must be taken into consideration and appropriate labs including testing for metabolites and root causes done and identified to administer the treatment that is appropriate and best suited for each unique patient with the goal being return of optimal health, vitality, masculinity, and ideally as always is my goal return of their own natural testosterone with time and treatment especially in younger men.
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